
Mount in Ubuntu

I used a Mac everyday for 7 years but recently switched to Ubuntu. I'm absolutely loving it but two things I really missed were my Box Sync app and Adobe CS. No fix for Adobe but at least I found a way to fix my Box problem by mounting my Box account like a local drive.

Step 1. Install davfs2 - a Linux tool for connecting to WebDAV shares as though they were local disks.

sudo apt install davfs2

Select YES to allow a non-root user to mount the WebDav resource. If you miss that step, you can get a do-over with:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2

Step 2. If you use a corporate Box account like I do, you'll need to add an individual password so third party applications can access your account without going through the company authentication.

Login to your corporate box account. In the right top corner, click on your avatar and choose Account Settings.

Scroll down to the Authentication section and click on Change Password. (No worries - it will not effect your corporate login verification.)

Enter your corporate password as your Current Password and enter a new password that you will use with davfs2.

Step 3. Mount Box in Ubuntu

Open up your Files and choose Connect to Server. Enter davs:// as the server address and your Box username and password.

That's it, will be added to your servers and you can now access any of your Box files as if they were on a local drive.



Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training 2017 Summer Camp

Scoutmaster Position-Specific TrainingTo see the background on this training, check out this post.

We've been lining up trainers for all seven weeks of our Summer Camp program for the past couple of years now to present the training over multiple evenings. This program is really good at modeling the patrol method and works well in a large setting where you can have multiple patrols - but in a small setting, the patrol activities fall flat and are ineffective.

With the summer camp groups being really small - like two or three folks sometimes - this version of the training has been revised to cut down on the patrol activities (patrol name, flog, etc.) but not cut the discussion that is vital to the experience.

The PowerPoint slides are designed to be printed and used in a 3 ring flip book - just like Troop Guides use in Wood Badge.

If you're a BSA Scouter looking for materials to run the Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training course in an outdoor setting, you can download the PowerPoint file here:  SM Specific 2018 Summer Camp Presentation (9403 downloads)

And you can download the handouts we used here:  Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training (24738 downloads)


Wood Badge Final Write Up Boilerplate

When I took Wood Badge, there was no real guidance on how to write up your ticket for final submission, just instruction that you had to do so. So, I created a Word document for it myself.

I'm serving as Troop Guide on a course now, so I went back to my write up doc and turned it into a boilerplate so I could share it with the patrol. Sharing it here in case anyone else might find it useful.

Wood Badge Final Write Up Boilerplate (3689 downloads)

Wood Badge Final Write Up


November 2016 – One Second Every Day


October 2016 – One Second Every Day