2013 National Jamboree Visitors Passes
Visitor Passes for the 2013 National Jamboree are on sale now via the Summit website.
Amazing Anamorphic Sculptures
Jonty Hurtwitz uses 3D scans to create amazing sculptures that are viewed in cylindrical mirrors and through forced perspective. Check out some of his work.
Chrome Drops Leopard
Chrome is dropping future upgrades for Leopard as of Chorme 21. For new features, security fixes and stability updates, Leopard users will need to upgrade OS X.
Details from the horse's mouth.
Square Adds Monthly Pricing
Small businesses, scout troops, indie labels, artists - rejoice! The little wonder that you've been using on your smart phone to make credit card transactions a non-budget breaking breeze has upped their game and added monthly pricing.
Pay $275 a month for 0% credit card processing.
When you've finished yelling "Huzzah! until you're hoarse - check on the details.