
Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training

Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters who complete this course, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, and Youth Protection Training are considered "trained" for their positions.

My wife and I began leading this training back in 2015 when the course had just been completely revised.  Our training materials available here have been continuously revised and updated each year. The ones available now are for the 2019 syllabus and reflect the changes needed for the Scouts BSA program.

If you're a Scouts BSA trainer looking for Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training materials,  you can download ours here.

Handouts we use for the course: Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training (25804 downloads)

Two versions of our presentation are available:

  1. Version for a large number of participants where you can actively use the patrol method during the day. Works well at a University of Scouting type of event.
    Scoutmaster Specific Slides 2021 (21213 downloads)
    - also available on SlideShare

    Scoutmaster Specific Script 2021 (17559 downloads)

  2. A version for small groups where multiple patrols aren't feasible. We use each week during our council summer camp. The PowerPoint slides for this one are designed to be printed and used in a 3 ring flip book - just like Troop Guides use in Wood Badge.
    Scoutmaster Specific Slides Summer Camp 2021 (21786 downloads)
    - also available on SlideShare


  1. Thank you for posting: We are presenting SM training this weekend and have been mulling over the fact that the Troop Leader Guidebooks will not be available until the end of the year. Makes connecting the dots difficult but not impossible.
    As I have been working on a powerpoint for this I may just use yours since it has the same background I was using and is nearly identical (except yours is better) except for graphics and objects.
    Thanks again.
    Rick Saunders

  2. John,

    I am unable to download the new sm specifc training from slide share. Is it possible you could email it to me?

    thank you
    Pete Paras
    SM Troop 41


  3. John, great slides and presentation. Would you mind sending them to my email address. Very much appreciated.

  4. Robin McAlister says


    I like your presentation, could you email it to me?


    Robin McAlister
    SM T427

  5. Walt Windisch says

    John, I would like a PowerPoint copy of your Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training. I will be presenting this material at the Baltimore Area Council and would like to draw on it.

    If you are able, please send it to me at


  6. James Brantley says

    Great presentation! Are you able to email me a copy at


  7. Donna Rex-Frantz says

    Great presentation for Scoutmaster Specific Training! I’m having difficulty downloading. Could you please email a copy to me at Thank you!
    Donna, Dist. Training Chairman

  8. Anthony Frasca says

    I was looking at your citizenship in the world presentation from 2018. Any chance I can get a copy. I have tried slideshare but I cannot get it to work right. Thanks
    Anthony Frasca
    Scoutmaster Troop 2019
    Champaign, Il
    Prairielands Council

  9. Larry Frost says

    Thank you for posting this great resource. The download worked just fine.

  10. Michael Lewis says

    Hey, John, your Scoutmaster specific training presentation is spot on and exactly what I was looking for. I’ll be presenting on this topic in the Far East council in about 2 weeks would it possible to send a copy to my email?

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